3629 Fort Ave.
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Microcurrent Point Stimulation
An innovative, all-natural, safe & highly effective, drug-free pain relief therapy created by chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists, which uses electric charge to improve the body
Visit DolphinMPS.com for more information

Acupuncture and the nervous system
"From a modern medical perspective, acupuncture represents a wonderfully simple technique of manipulating the nervous system. Another way of looking at this process is by comparing acupuncture’s balancing system (Yin/Yang) with the western neurological (sympathetic/parasympathetic) nervous systems. Disruptions in the sympathetic/parasympathetic systems will adversely affect organs, emotions, neural, and muscular activities, producing pain and disease throughout the body."
Like acupuncture, "the Dolphin Neurostim specifically targets key points that provide the strongest parasympathetic response and muscular relaxation benefits to the patient."

Before SRT
Scar Release
MPS therapy for scars and adhesions
Research now reports that abdominal scars & c-sections produce shoulder, neck and back pains! They are now known to affect stress, fascia and the formation of adhesions, all of which are linked in research to increased pain & disease. MPS Scar Release Therapy (SRT) re-establishes cellular metabolism, releasing fascia, stress & pain for an unparalleled pain relief